Dental Exams 101

Everyone knows that regular dental appointments are important to dental health. It’s recommended that you visit your dentist every 6 months to stay up to date with your dental hygiene. At your first appointment at Philadelphia Dentistry you will receive a free dental exam along with free cavity detection x-rays. Here is what your dentist wants you to know during your dental exam.

  1. It’s important to know that you should change your toothbrush every 3 months. Most toothbrushes get worn out and have bacteria on them after 3 months of use. This is why it’s important to change your toothbrush to a new fresh one so your mouth stays clean from any harmful bacteria. If you have gum disease such as, gingivitis it’s recommended that you change your toothbrush every 4 to 6 weeks. Another important tip is to wash your toothbrush with hot water after using it and always, always, always replace it after you’ve been sick.
  2. Maintaining your dental health in between appointments is easier than you think. The most important thing you can do is stick to a good oral hygiene routine. This means you need to brush your teeth at least twice a day and floss at least once a day. Also, by eating a healthy diet you’ll have healthier teeth and gums. So, make sure you are staying up to date with your regular dentist appointments to maintain healthy teeth and gums for life.
  3. Truths about root canals are that they’re not actually painful. Many people are under the assumption that root canals are very painful, but this is not the current case for root canal procedures. Thanks to advance in the latest dental technology and equipment, root canals are as painless as having a cavity filled, which is also a pain-free experience. When you have either of these procedures your dentist will normally numb the area completely, which lasts until the pain has dwindled.
  4. Dental problems do not fix themselves. This is why it’s important to see your dentist with any dental problems so it doesn’t worsen. If you ignore the problems in most cases the problems will worsen and cost you more in the long run.
  5. Do you have bad breath? Dental issues may be the cause. On a regular basis if you have bad breath there’s a good chance that it’s because of your dental health. Bad breath is a dental condition and could be treated with mouthwash. Mouthwash may help with the odor for a little, but you will need to inform your dentist so they can find the underlying issue and find a solution for you.
  6. Regular check-ups and cleanings at your dentist office are crucial. One of the best things you can do for  your dental hygiene is to visit your dentist on the regular basis. This ensures that if there are any problems they can be addressed right away. This will prevent you from any problems such as, cavities, gum disease, root canals and so on. Prevention care is very important to maintain your oral hygiene. If you’re over due for your regular cleaning and check-up give us a call today or send us an email and we will be happy to see you.
  7. Periodontal disease or gum disease will affect your overall health, not just your oral health. Gum disease is linked to the number one cause of tooth loss in adults. It is also linked to other health problems such as, heart disease and strokes. The good news is that gum disease, if caught early can be treated and reversed. If you don’t get your gum disease treated right away the problem can worsen and eventually lead to bone loss. This is why it is so important to maintain good oral hygiene and to visit your dentist every 6 months to catch any early stages of this disease so it can be treated right away.
  8. At Philly Dentistry we include for new patients a free oral cancer screening during our exams. It’s a fact that one person ever hour of every day dies from oral cancer, making it one of the deadliest diseases in the United States. During your dental exam one of our experienced doctors or hygienist will take a look for any signs of oral cancer. The good news is that oral cancer is highly treatable if it is diagnosed at an early stage. This is why it is very important to stay up to date with your routine dental exams.
  9. The best thing you can do between dental exams is to brush every day. When you brush the recommended amount of twice a day, every day you are getting rid of any plaque build up which would cause cavities or tooth decay. This is the easiest and best thing you can do between your routine dental exams. Flossing daily is also very important because it gets any plaque you missed from brushing that was in between your teeth.

Now that you know things your dentist would want you to know about your dental exams, it’s time to schedule your next check-up and cleaning. Maintaining healthy teeth and gums is very important for your overall health. Give us a call, email or reach out to us on social media and we will be happy to help you smile more!

Phone: 215-568-6222


Social Media: @PhillyDentistry



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Philadelphia Dentistry
Philadelphia Cosmetic Dentist
1601 Walnut Street
Suite 1302
Philadelphia, PA 19102

Tel: 215.568.6277
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