Teeth Whitening Video Testimonial from Matthew B.

Matthew B. and his family have been patients of Philadelphia Dentistry for many years and owes his confidence to the work of the Doctors, “With my teeth before I never smiled and came off as unfriendly and after receiving services from Philadelphia Dentistry such as Zoom! whitening I can’t help but smile!” Teeth Whitening Video Testimonial from Matthew explains why she loves coming to Philadelphia Dentist.

Invisalign Video Testimonial from Andy S.

Andy S. has been a patient of Dr. Cirka’s since 2011 and has actually enjoys going to see his dentist. He will complete his Invisalign plan with us shortly and is excited to see the great ending results, “The staff here go above and beyond which is the reason why I love coming in!”- Andy S. Invisalign Video Testimonial from Andy explains why he loves coming to Philadelphia Dentist.

Dental Care Video Testimonial from Duane L.

Duane L. was seeking a dental office closer to his work in Center City Philadelphia and was referred by his dentist outside of the city, “My dentist back home said Dr. Cirka and his office we’re the ones to come to when looking for a dentist downtown and he was right. The doctors and staff here are phenomenal and I highly recommend becoming a new patient.” Dental Care Video Testimonial from Duane lets you know why he chose to come to Philadelphia Dentist.

Dental Oral Health Video Testimonial from Eliza C.

Eliza C. found our office when searching online for “Best dentist in Philadelphia”. She’s been a patient of ours for about a year and understands our office’s main goal of not only helping patients but educating all on the importance of oral health. “No other office, whether dental or medical, comes close to the staff here at Philadelphia Dentistry. Unlike most dental offices where they just try and sell you some expensive services, here they actually are people and want to help you the best they can. I searched through many dentists to find the perfect office and I’ve found … Read more…

Invisalign and Teeth Whitening Video Testimonial from Lynette G.

Lynette G. and her family have been going to our office over the years not just for their routine cleaning but for cosmetic work as well. After completing her Invisalign treatment with us, she wanted her straight teeth to shine even more with help from our whitening services. Not only did she whiten her teeth, but even family members received the same services before her big wedding day! “Before my big wedding day I wanted a complete smile makeover and I’m so glad I came to this office. The staff here are so nice and I’m glad they made my … Read more…

Routine Dental Office Visit Video Testimonial from Lori T.

Lori T. was referred to our office by a friend and has been a patient of ours for almost a year. She’s had some fears in the past regarding dental visits but the staff at Philadelphia Dentistry has put her mind at ease, “Instead of the office treating me like a scared child when it came to my fear of the dentist, they’ve helped me overcome it by being so inviting! I’m actually looking forward to the services to come from this office.” Lori tells us how much she enjoys coming to Philadelphia Dentist in her Routine Dental Office Visit … Read more…

Cosmetic Dental Video Testimonial from Matt H.

Matt H. came into the office after being referred to by his wife for a free consultation regarding some cosmetic work. During his consultation, Matt met with both the doctor and hygienist to discuss discoloration on a tooth and within half an hour the issue was corrected, “I can not believe how fast they are here! This office is completely different from any other dental office I’ve been to- they actually take time to get to know a person instead of making them feel rushed.” Matt tells us how completely satisfied he is with Philadelphia Dentist in Cosmetic Dental Video … Read more…

Invisalign Video Testimonial from Britttney W.

Brittney W. has been a patient of ours for many years and first came to our office requesting a free Invisalign consultation. In the past, Brittney had old fashioned wire braces and was unhappy with the result- mainly the wire retainer. Within a couple months her teeth were completely straight and exactly where she wanted them to be, “I loved how fast my Invisalign treatment went. I was referred to this office when I first moved to the area and am so glad I came. The staff here are so nice and sweet!” There are many reasons why Brittney loves … Read more…

Dental Veneer Video Testimonial from Nicole W.

Nicole came to our office looking to discuss cosmetic work with a free consultation from the doctor. After receiving veneers, her smile is better now than she ever imagined it could be, “My teeth before were anything but ok. I wouldn’t even smile at all because I was so embarrassed. I came to discuss with Dr. Cirka my concerns and was shocked at how fast all my work was done! The staff here really cares and I’m so glad I found my right dentist.” See why Nicole can’t imagine going anywhere else except Philadelphia Dentist with her Dental Veneer Video … Read more…

Invisalign and Teeth Bonding Video Testimonial from Brandon M.

Brandon M. has been a patient of ours for many years and has received many services which included Invisalign and bonding. He’s completely happy with all the cosmetic work he’s received and actually looks forward to his upcoming check ups with the doctor, “I actually look forward to coming to visit the office and not many can say that about the dentist! My smile’s completely different than before and I’m beyond happy.” See why Brandon can’t wait until his next dental appointment with Invisalign and Teeth Bonding Video Testimonial.