5 Signs You Need to Visit Your Dentist

You should be visiting the dentist on a regular basis every 6 months for checkups and cleanings, but if you haven’t been to the dentist in some time, here are 5 signs that you need to visit a dentist as soon as possible. 1. If your teeth are in any pain at all you should never ignore it. Whether it’s a toothache or tooth sensitivity this could be the first signs of a cavity. It is important to get this taken care of right away because it can result in a larger cavity causing more problems to your oral health … Read more…

Surprising Foods That Are Healthy For Teeth

Everyone knows to keep a healthy mouth that you need to brush your teeth regularly, floss on a daily basis, and try not to eat foods with so much sugar. Food is essential for life and although no food will ever replace the need to brush your teeth, here are the top ten foods that are unexpectedly healthy for your teeth. 1. Chewing gum. Now many people may not consider this a food, but if you are chewing sugar free gum it can actually be good for your teeth. By chewing gum, it builds up saliva in your mouth helping … Read more…

What is Oral Cancer?

What is oral cancer? Am I at risk for it? At Philadelphia Dentistry we do oral cancer screenings with all our patients to make sure you are healthy. Oral cancer can be divided into two categories. One, occurring in your lips, teeth, gums, inside of your lips and cheeks, the front part of your tongue and the bottom and roof of your mouth. Two, it can occur in the middle region of your throat which includes your tonsils and the base of your tongue. This is why it is so important to maintain your routine check-ups with Philly Dentistry because … Read more…

Straight Talk about Misaligned Teeth

People often don’t realize that there is a connection between your health and misaligned teeth. When you have straight teeth it promotes great health. When you have crooked teeth it makes it more difficult to remove harmful plaque and bacteria when you brush and floss. This can eventually lead to gum disease which can inflame your gums, damage your soft tissue, recede your gums, and can lead to tooth loss. Some early signs of gum disease could be red gums, bleeding when you brush or floss, and if you have bad breath. Not only do you run the risk of … Read more…

Are your teeth sensitive?

Do your teeth hurt when you take a sip of hot coffee or when you taste ice cream? When you brush or floss do you experience any pain? Well, if so you could have sensitive teeth. Some possible causes to your sensitive teeth may include; tooth decay or cavities, fractured teeth, worn out fillings, gum disease, worn down tooth enamel, and exposed tooth roots. When you have healthy teeth, there is a layer of enamel that protects the crowns of your teeth (above the gum line.) Underneath the gum line there is a layer called cementum with shields the tooth … Read more…

What You Need to Know To Restore Healthy Teeth & Gums

Periodontal Disease Did you know that 47% of adults are affected by gum disease? Gum disease or periodontal disease is an infection of the gums, teeth, and the bone that supports the teeth. It is caused by a growing colony of living bacteria in your mouth known as plaque. Plaque produces toxins under your gums causing bone loss and is the greatest cause of tooth loss in adults. In the beginning of periodontal disease there is little, if any pain so you may not even know that you have it. The early stages you may notice some occasional bleeding along … Read more…

Facts About Your Pets Dental Health

Everyone loves their pets, but often times we forget about their oral hygiene. Once a year you should have your pet get their teeth and gums checked by your veterinarian. This is to check for any signs of an unhealthy mouth and prevent any problems they may be experiencing. Veterinary dentistry can include anything from cleanings and fillings, to extractions. When your pet gets to the veterinarian they will begin with an oral exam of the animals’ mouth to evaluate the health of the roots below the gumline. A typical dental cleaning for your pet will include scaling because most … Read more…

Top 5 Benefits of Dental Implants

There are many ways for losing your teeth, it can be from tooth decay, gum disease, or even injury. If you suffer from tooth loss don’t be worried that you won’t be able to smile confidently again. There are many different cosmetic dentistry treatments to fix your smile from tooth loss. One option is dental implants. Now, you may be thinking, what exactly is a dental implant? Dental implants are natural looking replacement teeth that perfectly match your natural teeth. They also replace the root of the tooth to offer a strong foundation. There are many benefits for getting dental … Read more…

White Teeth in Only an Hour?

Are you unsatisfied with the color of your teeth? Do you have stains that make you embarrassed to smile? Well have no fear, there is a way to get those sparkly white teeth you always wanted, and it only takes one hour! At Philadelphia Dentistry we offer an in-office teeth whitening procedure called, ZOOM! Whitening. Before the whitening begins there is an initial evaluation and teeth cleaning which is recommended preceding the treatment. Once that is complete it is time to safely cover the patients lips and gums. The dentist will then apply the ZOOM! Whitening gel. What makes ZOOM! … Read more…

Top 10 Foods That Are Surprisingly Good For Your Teeth

Everyone knows to keep a healthy mouth that you need to brush your teeth regularly, floss on a daily basis, and try not to eat foods with so much sugar. Food is essential for life and although no food will ever replace the need to brush your teeth, here are the top ten foods that are unexpectedly healthy for your teeth. 1. Chewing gum. Now many people may not consider this a food, but if you are chewing sugar free gum it can actually be good for your teeth. By chewing gum, it builds up saliva in your mouth helping … Read more…